Nico personally saved Satele Shan and fled the Imperial Fleet to warn Coruscant of the danger-and promptly escaped custody never to be seen again. When the Jedi Order assigned astromech droid T7-O1 to an undercover sting operation as Nico's co-pilot on the Redshifter, events conspired to place everyone on Korriban just in time for the Sith Empire's devastating return to Republic space. Every criminal syndicate from the Hutt Cartel down competed for his services because he always delivered the goods, no matter the odds. His deeds were legendary, but so were his debts, leading him to take the most high-risk and even-higher-reward underworld contracts available. 'enMale': 'Years before the Sith Empire launched the Great Galactic War, Nico was one of the most celebrated mercenary spacers on the Outer Rim.